Melanie gave birth to Houston on February 5th, 2007 at 2:23 PM. He weighed 10 pounds and 0 ounces! Mother and baby are both doing fine. I tried to finish his cradle before he was born but didn't quite get it done. The basket portion is complete and assebled and he's been sleeping peacefully in it from day one home from the hospital. I am about 90% done with the base. It should be finished by the end of this weekend. I will have to wait until he outgrows it to apply the finish though, since the fumes are toxic until it cures. Although I might go ahead and finish it and let him sleep in his Pack-and-Play bassinet for a month or so. Anyway, enjoy these pictures of Houston. I will send out an email when I update this blog with pictures of the completed cradle."...tiny toes"
1 comment:
I just really read this post... did I read correctly that Houston was sleeping peacefully in the basket of the cradle from day 1?!?! Okay, just checking... but, it really means a lot to me and him that you took the time to build this... even if your statement may have been a WEEEEE bit exaggerated!! ;)
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